Following the example of its founders who, full of evangelical audacity, went to where the poor were and took on new services to relieve their suffering, the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul are the Church’s missionary action instrument and develop in its core the Vincentian charism, inspired by the love of God and towards the poor ones.
The Daughters of Charity remain close to the poor ones promoting the awareness of their dignity as sons and daughters of God, along with helping them organize themselves in order to claim their rights.
They carry out missions in settlements with indigenous populations and rural workers. They also participate in the Pastoral Care for the Children, Health, Family and Prison Pastoral. Currently there are missions of the Daughters of Charity – Rio de Janeiro Province in Roraima, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio de Janeiro.
Catarina Labouré Mission
Visits to the Poor, accompaniment of families, formation of celebrations in the community, in addition to some of the tasks of the Sisters of this community.
Street Praia de Sepetiba, 1630, Sepetiba, Rio de Janeiro
Phone: (21) 3292-3376 / Whatsapp: (21) 97163-6711
Margarida Naseau Mission
Community opened in 1985. The Sisters work with alternative medicine and tea production to care for the health of the poor in the region.
Street Alcides Melquiades, 894, Postal 15, CEP 79745-000, Novo Horizonte
Phone: +55 (67) 3447-1147
Our Lady of the Mission Community
The Sisters work with the poor in Sitioca and form Vincentian leaders.
Community located in the municipality of Dourados
Nossa Senhora das Graças
The Sisters work with children from 5 to 16 years of age, in situations of social vulnerability. In addition, they promote meetings with the community, train leaders and make frequent visits to the poor.
Community located in the municipality of Chapadão do Sul
Casa (Home)St. Vicent de Paul
Since 1976, the Sisters have worked to empower women in the region, who basically live off the production of flour. They form conversation circles, form leaders among rural workers and accompany them in social projects.
Rua S. Vicente de Paulo, 43, Caixa Postal 2, CEP 78480-000, Acorizal
Phone: +55 (65) 3353-1110
Saint Louise de Marillac Interprovincial Mission
The Sisters are present in education, collaborate with the pastorals and form leaders in the local community. It is part of the Sisters’ routine to visit and accompany needy families, work in pastorals, participate in celebrations and train local leaders.
Community located in the municipality of Rio Pardo.
Rua Presidente Médici, 2.124, Centro, Itapuã do Oeste
Caixa Postal: 019, CEP: 76.861-000