The Memorial of the Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul – Rio de Janeiro Province –
gathers a collection of about two thousand objects of devotional, artistic, liturgical, official and biographical nature, reliquaries and shrines, among others, forming a collection with great communicative, educational, and exhortative power for Vincentian vocations.
Cultural asset that also have an affective and symbolic dimension, many of them help to tell the story of the missionary, pastoral and evangelizing action of the Daughters of Charity over 160 years of activity in Brazil, while preserving precious records of the charitable Sisters who helped build this trajectory.
The Memorial is located inside the Provincial House, but much of its collection is available online.
Visit www.memorial.asvp.org.br and get to know a little more about the Movable, Immovable, and Immaterial Patrimony of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
For visits to the Memorial, prior booking is required by the email: sec.adm@asvp.org.br
The habit of reading has always been present in the routine of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
It is through books that they get to learn a little more about their origins, about the life of the founders of the Company Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac, and about so many other subjects. Many of the books that have passed through their hands over the past decades have been collected, organized, and are now available to the public.
Opened in 2020, the Provincial House library has a collection of over 1,400 titles, most of them subgenres of Religious History such as Church History, Hagiography (History of the Saints) and Mariology (about Mary, the Mother of Jesus).
There are also technical books on Accounting, Management, Psychology, Literature, and dictionaries,
rarities from the early 20th century, plus books in French, English, and Spanish.
For library visits or book loans, prior booking is required by the email: sec.adm@asvp.org.br