The Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital integrates the Daughter of Charity’s Mission in the sense of humanizing the health care service and caring integrally for the patients.
Located on the top of a hill, at the Saint Vincent de Paul Association Complex, in Tijuca neighbourhood – Rio de Janeiro, It occupies a 45 thousand m2 area, of which 22 thousand m2 is built-up area. The medical staff has about 500 professionals and more than a thousand collaborators that attend 50 medical and surgical specialties. The Hospital complex has beds for Intensive care unit, beds for operative unit and operating rooms equipped with cutting-edge technology.
Since its foundation, The Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital has always counted on the love and dedication of the Daughters of Charity Sisters, of the doctors and the collaborative staff. The work and commitment of all this crew made the hospital grow, gain credibility and become a reference in health care.

The history of the SVPH starts in 1930, when the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul founded the Teaching Hospital, a health area focused in providing medical assistance to the Religious Sisters and training the novices in nursing area. In 1968, after the main big building was renovated, the Teaching Hospital was renamed The Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital and was opened to attend the residents of that neighbourhood. Some years later, the demand for services grew and the Sisters decided to build a new, larger and more modern building. This space was opened in 1980.
Quality and Safety
In 1994, the Hospital instituted the Quality Sector. In 2008 the SVPH won for the first time the international accreditation, granted by International Joint Commission, the world’s largest quality assurance agency in healthcare. The Hospital was reaccredited three other times: in 2012, 2015, and most recently in 2018.
Health Pastoral Care
Besides taking care of the Health, the Hospital also cares for the spiritual well-being of the patients. To welcome and comfort the patients and their families, the Health Pastoral Care staff carries permanent visits to the beds, in order to interact with everyone by talking, listening and praying.
(More information about Saint Vincent de Paul Hospital can be found at: www.hsvp.org.br)
Adress: Rua Dr. Satamini, 333, Tijuca
Cep: 20.270-233, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Phone: (55 21) 2563-2121